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Claim BUSHXX - Bush dies or incapacitated

Category: News:Disasters News:US News Politics:US Politics JUDGED at 0
Owner:4145, Chip_Unicorn
Judge:3558, Torc
due date:2009/01/30

The Claim

This claim shall be judged TRUE if someone other than President George W. Bush serves out at least 10 days of his contiguously elected term or terms as President of the United States of America. The total number of days is cumulative across both terms, if President Bush is elected to a second term starting in 2005.

  • If President Bush died at least 10 days before his term ends, this claim shall be judged TRUE.
  • If President Bush were declared medically unfit to serve for 10 days (even if non-consecutive), and someone else assumes the position of President, then this claim shall be judged TRUE.
  • If President Bush were to not win the Presidency starting in 2005, and for no 10 days was he unfit to serve as President, then this claim shall be judged FALSE, even if he were to win the Presidency again starting in 2009.
  • If the position of President of the United States were to end during the time of this claim, and no one else can rightfully assume this position, this claim shall be judged FALSE.

Data which indicates days that the President was declared unfit may come from (at the Judge's choice) the New York Times, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, the Boston Herald, the Miami Herald, or the San Francisco Chronicle.

Judge's Statement

For purposes of this claim, '10 days' will be interpreted as a total of ten full 24 hour periods.

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