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Claim Draft - US conscription < 2010

Category: Politics:US Politics JUDGED at 0
Owner:38, highlander
Judge:1756, Massey
due date:2010/03/01

The Claim

Between 2010/09/15 and 2010/01/01, the United States will have used conscription to require at least 100 U.S. civilians to serve in the military as regular soldiers(i.e. people that can theoretically be ordered into combat duty). Commandeering civilian time or resources on a short-term basis will not satisfy this claim. Calling up of reserve soldiers or national guard units would not satisfy the requirements of this claim.

Judge's Statement

The date range for this claim is incorrect, it should read 2001/09/15 and 2010/01/01. This claim will be judged according to this date range NOT the date range stated in the claim description.

The Market

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Price Plot for life of Draft
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 7052
Players participating: 112
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