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Claim EUTr10 - EU Act of Terror before 2010

Category: News:World News JUDGED at 0
Owner:3126, Varulv
Judge:38, highlander
due date:2010/03/01

The Claim

After 5 February 2005 and before 1 January 2010, official government sources from a member-state or member-states of the European Union will claim (in reference to events occuring after 5 February 2005) that a major act or set of connected acts of terrorism, war, crime or rebellion has resulted in at least 200 human deaths in the European Union within some 48 hour period. The government sources must clearly claim that the deaths involve use of deadly force with intent which originated outside official government channels. A set of acts will be assumed to be connected if they are mentioned in the same allegations without official claims that they are unconnected, and they may be spread among many member-states of the European Union.

This claim excludes cases in which the official government statements made at the highest level express significant doubt whether the deaths were caused by acts of war or terrorism or were caused by natural causes or accidents. This claim also excludes civilian casualties associated with "police actions", mass suicides, resistance of arrest or accidents. The deaths at Waco or Ruby Ridge would both be excluded from this claim. Deaths that occur in embassies of European member-states overseas or in international waters or airspace over international waters are excluded from this claim.

Allegations of an act of terror, crime, rebellion or war must be supported by mainstream media including the New York Times, London Times, London Economist, LA Times or Washington Post. These allegations must not be officially denied or retracted by the president or prime minister or his staff within a week of this claim being made. The phrase "member-states of the European Union" includes the current and future member-states, as long as they are member of the European Union at the moment of the events. If the European Union ceases to exist as an entity this claim will be judged "FALSE".

This claim excludes "Unabomber" style killings in which a similar number of people are killed over a longer period of time. It is not necessary that there be an official or public consensus concerning who caused these deaths (merely that an act of terrorism is alleged by official sources and not denied by sources higher up in the government within a week of the time allegations have been made.).

Intent: The intent of this claim is to be a EU version of Terr10.

Judge's Statement

The Global Terrorism Database suggests there have been no such incidents. This is confirmed by web searches.

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