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Claim FATAL - Fatality Rate <= 1 before 2020

Category: News:Disasters JUDGED at 0
Owner:3226, Tom Adams
Judge:2, Chris Hibbert
due date:2020/04/01

The Claim

US Traffic Fatalities per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled drops to 1 or less for a calendar year before 1/1/2020, according to the US NHTSA.

The claim will be judged based on the value that NHTSA reports to the public. The possibility that the value might be truncated or rounded will be ignored. For instance, if NHTSA reports that the value is 1.00, then the claim will be judged true.

Judge's Statement

Estimated 2019 fatality rate is 1.10 https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812946 which states:

"The final file for 2018 as well as the annual report file for 2019 will be available in late fall of 2020, which usually results in the revision of fatality totals and the ensuing rates and percentage changes."

I plan to judge when the annual report file for 2019 is published.

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