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Claim FyGP - Date of Feynman Grand Prize

Category: Science & Technology:Physics bid 23, ask 28, last 23
Owner:3, hfinney@shell.portal.com
Judge:723, Mario Hilgemeier
due date:2100/01/01

The Claim

This is a scaled claim based on the date that the Feynman Grand Prize, which has been established by the Foresight Institute, is awarded. See http://www.foresight.org/GrandPrize.1.html. This prize requires the design and construction of 32 copies each of two nanotech devices: a robot arm capable of .1 nanometer positional accuracy which fits within a 100 nm cube, and a computational device, an 8-bit binary adder, which fits within a 50 nm cube.

This claim will pay off based on the year the the prize is awarded, with claim values 0-100 corresponding to years 2000-2100. If the claim is satisfied before the year 2000 then the claim value will be 0, and if the claim is satisfied after the year 2100, or is never satisfied, then the claim value will be 100.

If the Foresight Institute is unable to award the prize for any reason, the claim will be based on the award of the same prize by another organization, or failing that on the judge's determination that the terms of the prize have been satisfied.

Judge's Statement

Judgement will be based on information available from the Foresight Institute of which I am a member.

The Market

Your Buy YES Orders Players Buying YES Coupons
     1 @ 1   crandles (7886)
     1 @ 1   haggis (2155)
    20 @ 8   ota (17)
    20 @ 10  ota (17)
    20 @ 12  ota (17)
     5 @ 13  ota (17)
   500 @ 13  pro (6755)
     5 @ 14  ota (17)
   500 @ 14  pro (6755)
   100 @ 15  godidog (6582)
   500 @ 15  pro (6755)
     9 @ 16  Peter McCluskey (234)
    10 @ 17  ota (17)
   118 @ 17  Jonathan Kaplan (4493)
    10 @ 18  ota (17)
     5 @ 19  ota (17)
    10 @ 20  Quill_McGee (10070)
    60 @ 20  crandles (7886)
    50 @ 21  crandles (7886)
    40 @ 22  crandles (7886)
    28 @ 23  crandles (7886)
Price Plot for life of FyGP
Last trade price: 23
Current ask price: 28
Current bid price: 23
Pairs outstanding: 1306
Players participating: 36
View the ticker for this Claim.

Your cash balance: 3371.52
Your holdings in this Claim: 367
Your UID:
Your password:
Your Sell YES Orders Players Selling YES Coupons
    17 @ 28  Jonathan Kaplan (4493)
   100 @ 29  pro (6755)
    30 @ 29  Jonathan Kaplan (4493)
   100 @ 30  Jonathan Kaplan (4493)
     5 @ 30  ota (17)
   200 @ 33  Jonathan Kaplan (4493)
   100 @ 33  Markybot (14)
     5 @ 33  ota (17)
    20 @ 35  stem (288)
    10 @ 36  ota (17)
    20 @ 39  Knossos (634)
    20 @ 40  stem (288)
    20 @ 41  ota (17)
    20 @ 44  ota (17)
    30 @ 45  stem (288)
    16 @ 50  jilk (998)
    15 @ 50  irational (1239)
   100 @ 51  Markybot (14)
    25 @ 52  ota (17)
    30 @ 55  stem (288)
  1000 @ 99  Landman (239)

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