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Claim IrqWMD - Iraq uses WMD

Category: News:World News JUDGED at 0
Owner:4465, evand
Judge:4176, DavidSJ
due date:2003/12/31

The Claim

Iraq uses Weapons of Mass Destruction in an act of war, resulting in the death of at least one person, before December 1, 2003. Weapons of Mass Destruction include chemical, biological, nuclear, and radiological (dirty bomb) weapons. For this claim to be judged true, the use of such a weapon must be reported as fact by one of the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the BBC. The same source must also report as fact that the weapon was employed by Iraq; weapons used by terrorist groups do not count, even if the weapon originated with Iraq.

Judge's Statement

I will interpret "Iraq" to mean the current Iraqi government as of the creation of this claim. Terrorist groups using weapons of mass destruction do not count.

On April 9, Iraqi ambassador to the U.N. Mohammed Aldouri said, "The game is over." (referring to the U.S. capture of Baghdad). No Iraqi official has since rejected that statement. As such, I will declare this claim FALSE if and when George W. Bush declares victory in Iraq, and no weapons of mass destruction have yet been used by Iraq.

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