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Claim Martin - Martin's Liberal Minority

Category: News:World News JUDGED at 0
Owner:6214, murman
Judge:2, Chris Hibbert
due date:2006/02/01

The Claim

Paul Martin's Liberals won a minority government in Canada as a result of a general election held on June 28, 2004. In Canada, federal minority governments have lasted more than three years and less than five months. The average duration of a Canadian minority government is 1 year, 5 months and 27 days. This claim is based on whether Paul Martin's Liberal minority will be able to last longer than the average life of a minority government.

This claim will pay if the Canadian parliament is not dissolved by January 31, 2006.

[Administrator's note: original due date specified 2005 instead of 2006. It has been corrected as of April 3, 2005.]

Judge's Statement

I will judge this claim based on the wording of the claim and the owner's intentions as presented in the email conversations on the fx-discuss and other lists before the claim's approval.

The due date listed was incorrect, but has been fixed by the adminstrator. (Thanks, Ken.) If the claim becomes false, I will render a judgement once the situation is clear. If the claim is true, it will be judged shortly after 2006/2/1.

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