The Lieutenant Governor of California has determined that Gray Davis, the current governor as of 7/29/03, must face a Recall Election on October 7, 2003. November 15, 2003 is the last date on which the Secretary of State can certify the election returns. If, by November 16, the Secretary of State has certified elections results in which a majority of voters elect to remove Gray Davis from office, this claim shall be judged true.
This claim will be judged by its wording.
In the event that no returns have been certified by November 16, this claim will be judged NO. This includes if:
If the returns have been certified, but their status is in doubt due to pending litigation, this claim will be held open until one of the following occurs.
This claim will be judged without regard to the successor question on the ballot, and will only be judged by the Yes/No recall question.
I will use, and as authorities. In the event that these three sources do not all agree, I will use the office of the Secretary of State as an authority.
For the purposes of judging "a majority of voters elect to remove Gray Davis from office", the term "voters" shall mean valid ballots cast for Yes or No. It shall not include spoiled ballots, abstentions, or other ballots that for whatever reason are not counted as Yes or No.