This claim will be judged TRUE if the price of the March 2006 Commodity Futures Price of NYMEX Light Crude Oil stays at or above $50 through December 31, 2005. If the price trades under $50 on any day after this claim is approved and before January 1, 2006, even if the closing price is above $50 on that day, this claim will be judged FALSE.
Daily high, low, open, and close data can be seen here. This contract last traded under $50 on 3/1/2005, and traded as low as $50.84 on 5/19/05. As of 6/27/05, the price was near $62.
Only NYMEX price data for the Mar 06 futures contract should be used to judge this claim. If the price ever drops below $50 before January 1, 2006, the claim should be judged FALSE immediately. In the unlikely event that the appropriate data is not available on the judging date, the judge can decide the claim based his or her assessment of all available information.