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Claim P!NP - P != NP proven by 2010

Category: Science & Technology:Math JUDGED at 0
Owner:100, uxmal
Judge:100, uxmal
due date:2010/01/01

The Claim

This claim will be held true if the computational class NP (non-deterministic polynomially determinable) is proven to be distinct from P (polynomial) for some category of NP (i.e. NP-hard, NP-complete, etc.). This does not require proof for the full spectrum of NP. A proof will be held acceptable if it has reached general consensus in the relevant communities (i.e. among academics in the area of computational complexity - Comp. Sci., Oper. Res., et.al.), and has received at least 10 citations in peer-review journals.

Judge's Statement


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Price Plot for life of P!NP
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