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Claim TWAm - Missile caused TWA 800 crash

Category: News:Disasters News:US News JUDGED at 0
Owner:172, Elway
Judge:97, Loophole
due date:2000/01/01

The Claim

If on or before the judgment date it is reported in two or more major U.S. publications that a missile struck TWA flight 800 and proximately caused the plane to crash, this claim shall be judged "YES."

For the purposes of this claim "major publications" shall include mainstream national (U.S.) newspapers, (including but not limited to The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Washington Times, etc.) and national news periodicals (including but not limited to Newsweek, Time, U.S. News and World Report). This definition is explicitly intended to exclude "tabloid" papers (Such as the National Enquirer, the Star, the Globe, etc.).

For the purposes of this claim "missile" shall include any projectile class:

A) with a self contained propulsion unit, and B) fueled by either solid or liquid fuel, and C) with a self contained guidance system, however primitive, and D) designed for anti-aircraft use, and E) employed after January 1, 1950 by any military force of greater than 10? persons since 1950.

Any projectile meeting the above criteria but which is disarmed or otherwise modified for training purposes shall be considered a missile for the purposes of this claim.

The term "missile" shall include projectiles meeting the above criteria and intended for either surface to air or air to air use.

Reports of mere allegations as to the cause of the TWA 800 crash shall not be considered when judging this claim.

The presence or absence of a warhead on any missile to which the TWA 800 crash is attributed shall not be considered when judging this claim.

The failure to detonate of any warhead on any missile to which the TWA 800 crash is attributed shall not be considered when judging this claim.

The presence or absence of a cover-up as to the facts relating to the TWA 800 crash by any government or organization shall not be considered when judging this claim.

The nationality or allegiance of the forces launching the missile to which the TWA 800 crash is attributed shall not be considered when judging this claim.

To satisfy the claim, it shall be considered sufficient that either:

A) A missile struck the aircraft and caused damage to the aircraft proximately causing the aircraft's crash. (The "but for" test shall be employed in evaluating this clause. i.e. "But for the impact of the missile, the aircraft would not have crashed.")

B) A missile's warhead detonated near the aircraft and caused damage to the aircraft proximately causing the aircraft's crash. (The "but for" test shall be employed in evaluating this clause. i.e. "But for the detonation of the missile, the aircraft would not have crashed.")

If none of these criteria are satisifed on or before the judgement date (01/01/2000), the claim shall be judged "False" or "NO."

Judge's Statement


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