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Claim DOCX - U.S. Commerce Dept abolished

Category: Finance:US Finance JUDGED at 0
Judge:163, jim
due date:2000/01/01

The Claim

The U.S. Commerce Department is abolished as a named department of the U.S. Federal government.

If the functions of the DOC are reconstituted in an agency then the claim is YES because the department will have been abolished.

Background: Senate Budget Resolution Abolishes DOC, OTA; Cuts NSF, NASA, DOE

Judge's Statement

Standard ambiguity clause: If the wording is found to be ambiguous I will judge on the basis of the obvious intent. If the intent is ambiguous I will judge on the basis of precise wording. If both are ambiguous or if both are clear but conflict, I will look for a solution that causes the least damage to FX as a market and game.

I expect to use US newspapers (hard and soft) as the authority.

The Market

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Price Plot for life of DOCX
Last trade price: 0
Current ask price: 100
Current bid price: 0
Pairs outstanding: 204
Players participating: 13
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