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Claim GDavis - Gray Davis reelected

Category: News:US News Politics:US Politics JUDGED at 100
Owner:79, jbs
Judge:3225, ducrozet
due date:2003/01/01

The Claim

Gray Davis is reelected Governor of California in 2002.

Judge's Statement

In the event that a California gubernatorial election is not held in 2002 (delayed, cancelled, etc.), this claim will be judged as "no".

In the event that the election is held in 2002, but the official results are not announced by the CA Secretary of State before January 01, 2003, I will withhold judgement until the results are announced.

If the CA Secretary of State does not recognize anyone as winner of an election held in 2002, the claim will be judged "no". My understanding of CA law is that a tie would be decided by the CA Legislature. The results of this tie-breaking by the Legislature will be considered a valid result of the election, as long as the Sec of State accepts the result.

Note that Gov Davis does not have to enter office for this claim to be judged "yes". It only requires re-election.

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