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Claim NoW2K4 - Result Before Polls Close West

Category: Politics:US Politics JUDGED at 0
Owner:1682, DiamondInTheRough
Judge:38, highlander
due date:2004/11/03

The Claim

This claim will pay $.20 for each YES coupon if any of the following occurs before the polls close in EACH west coast state (Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California) for the 2004 presidential election: (i.e. if the conditions are satisfied for 3 of the 5 states listed, then YES coupons pay $.60)

1) CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, or Fox News announces that one candidate has won the election.

2) Either the Democratic or Republican candidates concedes.

If an announced result (or concession) is incorrect (eg "Dewey Defeats Truman"), then this claim should be judged NO. For the purposes of this claim it is assumed that if the winner of the election is in doubt on November 3rd, 2004, then any announced result (or concession) before the polls closed in each state is assumed to be premature and this claim should be judged NO regardless of the final winner.

For the purposes of this claim, the winner of the election will be considered in doubt if the major networks (CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox) have not all reported the same person to have been the winner of the election by noon PST on the judgement date.

In addition, if any of those networks report voting irregularities sufficient to potentially change the winner of the election, the election should be considered to be in doubt. Voting irregularities that are not of sufficient magnitude to change the result should be ignored.

Finally, if any major network that announces a winner prior to the time the polls close in a state and then later retracts that announcement on or before the judgement date, the original announcement shall not be considered for purposes of this claim. In a like fashion, if a major candidate retracts his concession before the judgement date, the original concession shall not be considered for purposes of this claim.

If one or more of these 5 states are split or combined before the 2004 presidential election, payout should be based proportionately on those states that have the Pacific Ocean as part of their boundaries.

This claim is based on NoCal, but has been expanded to include the entire West Coast.

Judge's Statement


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