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Claim ObL1yr - Osama bin Laden 1 year after

Category: News:World News JUDGED at 100
Owner:2918, stefano
Judge:3191, Joe Taras
due date:2002/10/15

The Claim

One year after the start of Operation Enduring Freedom, Osama bin Laden, the terror-supporting Saudite millionaire, will still be Enjoying Freedom.

This claim will be judged immediately False if Osama bin Laden's death is confirmed by official USA or allied sources. It will likewise judged False if Osama is captured and still prisoner of any government (other than Taliban's Afghanistan) on Oct, 1 2002.

The claim will be judged True in all other cases.

Judge's Statement


The Market

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Current ask price: 100
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Pairs outstanding: 5852
Players participating: 48
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