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FX Ticker Info for UID: 6763

Time period: all days

GMT = Greenwich Mean Time
Pairs = the number of pairs on the market
People = the number of different people holding coupons on the claim

 Symbol Quant Price    Date      GMT    Pairs People Buyer Seller
 ------ ----- ----- ---------- -------- ----- ------ ----- ------
   P!NP    50     5 2008/09/09 16:07:49  4784     66  6763   4962
 GBNuke    20    65 2004/11/03 06:09:01  4765     47  4176   6763
   51St     7     4 2004/01/05 20:04:02 11678    191  6763     14
   King     7    78 2004/01/05 11:03:09  7210    126  6763     14
 F_Pres    30    37 2004/01/05 11:03:09  3518    119  6763   5581
 DemBy8     5    73 2004/01/05 11:03:09  1748     64  6763   4386
 Arnold    20     7 2004/01/05 11:03:09  6753    108  6050   6763
   Ms.P    20    37 2004/01/05 10:57:47  1960     84  6763   5808
   King     2    77 2004/01/05 10:57:47  7203    126  6763   3126
 Earth2    20    15 2004/01/05 10:57:46 12019    139  6392   6763
 Cydnia     1     5 2004/01/05 10:57:46   506     33    97   6763
 Cydnia     2     5 2004/01/05 10:57:46   506     33  4997   6763
 Cydnia    10     5 2004/01/05 10:57:46   504     33  5458   6763
 CLAYMA     1    99 2004/01/05 10:57:46   256     10  6763    171
   ChkS     2    18 2004/01/05 10:57:46  3543     80  6763     97
   A380    15    11 2004/01/05 10:57:46   963     27  6763   6754
   GBch    14    60 2004/01/04 05:22:15   358     33  6763   6796
   GBch    10    60 2004/01/04 05:21:20   344     33  6763   6796
   P!NP    31    32 2004/01/01 15:26:12  2505     45  6780   6763
   GBch    25    60 2003/12/29 17:11:54   334     32  6763   5643
 POINCA     4    97 2003/12/26 18:07:48   114     10  6763   4493
   CatC    30    99 2003/12/26 18:05:03  3295     29  6763     73
   SLvl     1    26 2003/12/26 17:58:48  6209    146  6763   6616
   SLvl     2    26 2003/12/26 17:58:48  6208    145  6763   3126
   SLvl     4    26 2003/12/26 17:58:48  6206    145  6763   6759
   SLvl     9    26 2003/12/26 17:58:48  6202    144  6763   6201
 GBNuke    20    57 2003/12/26 17:51:42   833     31  6763   6194